Causalidad y prioridad viscero-somática y somato-visceral en la cintura pélvica [MADRID]

1 -2 -3 -4 JUNIO 2023



Al termina nuestra formación de grado todos hemos tenido la sensación de tener gran cantidad de datos, de información, principio, técnicas. Pero a veces tenemos serias dificultades en poder integrarlas en nuestra consulta. Este curso de posgrado, repartido en dos módulos, trata justamente de eso, de una forma clara y concisa se presentará a los alumnos una forma eficaz de interrelacionar y jerarquizar los datos clínicos para ser más eficientes y aumentar el éxito de sus resultados.
Todo ello presentado por un osteópata y docente de reconocido prestigio en toda España, Jean Marie Beuckels (ver CV)

During his Masters of movement rehabilitation and physiotherapie, JM started his osteopathic journey with osteopathic course weekends.
Graduating (cum laude) from the Ghent University in Belgium, he preferred the option for an extra full-time in osteopathy. Four years later he obtained his English DO (cum laude), which he topped up with a Bachelor of Science with full honours in Osteopathic Medicine (cum laude) at the Westminster University (Engeland), with a Masters of Science in Osteopathy (cum laude) at the Greenwich University (England) and with a PhD (magna cum laude) at the department of osteopathic medicine at the Witten/Herdecke University in Germany.

Next to his strong fascination for French and Belgian osteopathy and fasciatherapy, JM also demonstrated an extent interest for different ideas in cranial and visceral education, sport osteopathy, baby and children osteopathy, geriatric osteopathy, psychodynamic osteopathy, different forms of manual binary testing; all courses that Beuckels has been teaching in the past.

Later, as a guest docent at the AT Still University – Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine, he came in contact with the original forms of osteopathy, Beuckels decided to dedicate his time more to the American line of osteopathic knowledge. He moved to Philadelphia and became Clinical Assistant Professor at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM). This supported his personal quest for osteopathic causality and its primary lesion. During this time he taught clinical osteopathy and assisted the PCOM research.
In the meantime, he also established several osteopathic research projects as director of the departement osteopathic medicine at the Witten/Herdecke University in Germany.
Next to his responsibilities in the past decade as head of osteopathic education at the convocational school Ecolea in Schwerin (Germany) and as senior docent for visceral osteopathy at the European School for Osteopathy, 25 years of experience in osteopathy and osteopathic teaching helped Beuckels to mature into a skilled senior docent in osteopathy.

For the moment, Beuckels teaches as Head of Department Osteopathic Medicine clinical osteopathy to medical students Faculty of Health at the Witten/Herdecke University and is appointed as senior docent at the HS-Fresenius, University of Applied Science in Idstein (Germany).

During the courses ‘Viscero-somatic and somato-visceral causality and priority in the pelvic and shoulder girdle’, Beuckels will present his osteopathic journey and will introduce you to his osteopathic conceptualisation, education and research.

1969 Born in Bruges (Belgium)

1988 University-entrance diploma: Latin – Greek Humaniora (Belgian secondary school; O-levels)
(Bruges – Belgium)

1993 Licentiaat Motorische Revalidatie (MSc Movement Revalidation) at the University Gent (1993 – Cum Laude)
(Gent – Belgium)

1997 Diploma in Osteopathy (D.O.)
European School for Osteopathy (with Merit)
(Maidstone – England)
British College for Naturopathy and Osteopathy (with Merit)
(London – England)

1998 Bachelor of Science with full Honours in Osteopathic Medicine Westminster University (with Merit)
(London – England)

1997 Private osteopathic practice in Bruges
(Bruges – Belgium)

Assistant docent for osteopathic education and fasciatherapy
(Belgium – France)

2000 Lecturer and tutor for postgraduate osteopathic education and fasciatherapy
(Belgium – France – England)

2003 Head-docent for the EAO (Europäischen Arbeitsgruppe Osteopathie) (Osteopathic MD – association)
(Bad Oeynhausen – Germany)

Docent for clinical osteopathy at the Baltic College, University of Applied Science
(Schwerin – Germany)

2004 Docent for Osteopathic Manual Medicine (OMM) at the Witten/Herdecke University
Postgraduate courses for osteopathic physicians/practitioners
(Herdecke – Germany).

Head-Docent and Head of the Osteopathic Education in Baltic College, University of Applied Science
(Schwerin / Mecklenburg – Vorpommern / Germany)

2005 Grad Pos-Graduaçào em Somato Psicopedagogia e Fasciaterapia
(Degree of Somatopsychopedagogy and Fasicatherapy)
Universidade Moderna de Lisboa (Modern University of Lisabon)
(Lisbon – Portugal)

2006 Guest docent at the AT Still University Kirksville (Faculty of Osteopathic Manual Medicine):
(Kirksville – Missouri – USA)

2007 Chairman of the Research Committee for The European Federation of Osteopaths (EFO)
(Brussels – Belgium)

2008 Director of the Department of Osteopathic Medicine at the Priv. University Witten/Herdecke
(Herdecke – Germany)

Faculty staff member at the Philadelphia College for Osteopathic Medicine
(Philadelphia – Pennsylvania – US)

2009: Clinical assistant Professor at the Department of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (Philadelphia College for Osteopathic Medicine – PCOM).
(Philadelphia – Pennsylvania – US)

2010: Masters of Science in Osteopathy at Greenwich University (with Merit)
(Maidstone – England)

2011 Faculty Staff Member University Witten/Herdecke
(Witten – Germany)

2012 Faculty Staff Member Greenwich University / ESO
(Maidstone – England)

2013 Flying Faculty Staff Member Greenwich University
Moscow Institute of Osteopathy
St-Petersburg Institute of Osteopathy
(Moscow/St-Petersburg – Russia)

2014 Senior Lecturer / Greenwich University
(Maidstone – England)

2015 Head-docent for clinical osteopathy: adapted student medical curriculum
(Witten – Germany)

2016 Doctor rerum medicinalium (≈ PhD) through the Department Osteopathic Manual Medicine
(Witten – Germany)

2017 Senior Docent an der HS-Fresenius, University of Applied Science
(Idstein – Germany)

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